Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thing 22~What Did I Learn Today?

My resolution? I kind of feels like it’s New Year’s Eve and I need to make a plan for having a better year, in this case, a better library. This year, will I keep my resolution? How long will the resolutions last? Time will only tell. I will try to spend at least 15 minutes a day learning about new sites and reading information in my RSS feed. I will try to share my really neat website with my staff and on my blog.

I will work on my issue of whether to sign-up for an account of Flickr and Big Huge Labs. I still find it hard to put my personal pictures online. Privacy seems to be my big issue. There are so many people out there that don’t respect privacy and can hack into anything. I don’t know if that makes me paranoid or overly cautious.

As of now, I am going to work on building my Yahoo page. I have bookmarked lots of sites that I visit frequently. I have even made it my homepage. I will try new ways to improve my library and my job. I said earlier in my blog that budget cuts are always on a person’s mind in the library, so I will try to make my position in the library as valuable as possible. Making it much harder to eliminate my job.

I will go back through and revisit all of the 23 Things and spend more time with them and try to come up with more ways to use them in my media center. I will spend time looking for more articles on Library 2.0 and how others are changing their media centers to be more user-friendly.

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